Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Top Ten Books To Read In A Day

Something, Maybe
Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created and hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

I took this as what would I read in a 24 hour re-read-a-thon. These are some of my shorter favorites.
  1. Animal Farm: 112 pages. What happens when the animals take over. I remember loving reading this in a history class, but I have lost all the details as to why.
  2. Fahrenheit 451: 179 pages. I love this every time I read it. In a future where individualism is so frowned upon firefighters burn books, one fire fighter's life is turned upside down by them.
  3. Stargirl: 186 pages. This story of a girl that embraces her differences. It is so uplifting.
  4. Poetry Out Loud: 203 pages. This is one of the best poetry collections I've seen. The poetry spans the ages and genres. And all these do lend themselves to being read out loud so it would break up a marathon reading day nicely.
  5. Ella Minnow Pea: 208 pages. A funny love affair with letters, very creatively written.
  6. The Perks of Being a Wallflower: 213 pages. A favorite of mine that is long over due for a re-read. This story takes you through every emotion. A wonderful coming of age story.
  7. Something Maybe: 217 pages. The cutest little story about a girl coming out of her shell after hiding from the spotlight her mother tries to live in.
  8. Angus Thongs and Full Frontal Snogging: 247 pages. The hilarious diary of British teenager in school and in love.
  9. Ditched: 288 pages. Ever look at things the wrong way and mess things up? A desert of a story. Check out my review.
  10. Anna and the French Kiss: 372 pages. Kind of long but if I had a whole day I was using to escape into reading I couldn't resist this beautiful story.


  1. Love Anna :) It IS long, but it flies right by! :)

    Our Top Ten!

  2. Hi there, just popping in... I like the sound of 'Stargirl' will be adding to my TBR pile, thanks!

    :) Here is my choice...
    Top Ten Tuesday

  3. I really need to re-read The Perks of Being A Wallflower, and soon. I read it like 10 years ago and I think I would just love it more now. Especially with the movie coming out soon!

    My Top Ten Tuesday

  4. I love Perks of Being a Wallflower but I would hate to only spend one day in Charlie's head, I personally want to stay there forever although I did read the book rather quickly as well but often reread it.

  5. Oooo I read Anna and the French Kiss in a day...forgot to add that one! Was a very devourable story! I didn't care for Perks of Being a Wallflower but everyone else seems to love it!

    New follower :-) x

    My TTT: http://pocketfulofbooksblogger.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/top-ten-tuesday-books-to-read-in-day.html

  6. Fantastic list. I should have included a book of poetry! Nothing like poetry.


    Here's my Top Ten Books to Read in a Day. Let me know what you think of my list!

  7. I have been meaning to read Angus Thongs and Full Frontal Snogging for such a long time. It looks like such a fun book!

  8. Anna and the French Kiss is such a wonderful book! I'm hoping Lola will be just as amazing! :)

  9. I love your list, I haven't read many of them but I want to add them to my TBR pile Thanks!

    my list is at youngadultbookhaven.blogspot.com

  10. Stargirl broke my heart, but I loved it. Anna and the French Kiss was sooo good. I'm planning on reading The Perks of Being A Wallflower, soon!

  11. I'm currently reading Fahrenheit 451! It's great! I'm actually doing a research paper on it. I really want to read The Perks of Being a Wallflower. The movie adaptation sounds really good.
    My Top Ten Tuesday

  12. Animal Farm made my list too. Would love for you to stop by and check out my Top Ten of classics to read in a day.

  13. Animal farm.. I don't know. I didn't really love that book, but that was perhaps because we had to read it for English class. :p Still need to read Anna and the French kiss; I hear so many great things about it.


  14. Oh man, Stargirl! That books was so weird and so good -- and I wish I had read Anna and the French Kiss in a day, but I went so slow reading it because I loved it so much and didn't want it to end!

  15. Stargirl made my list too! I read it when I was younger and loved it. It's a small book, but it packs quite the punch.

  16. Anna and the French Kiss was a great pick! And I remember loving Stargirl, too. I need to re-read that one soon!
