Published: September 8th 2009 by Candlewick Press
Pages: 519
Audio Performance: I don't think I would have read this book. The written dialogue is not one I

could imagine well, and that would have been a shame because it is a wonderful story. I am very glad for this performance.
Part of a Series: Chaos Walking #2 ***Read this review at own risk. If you have not read the first in the series moments could be spoiled***
Read For a Challenge: No
Recommended By: The gut-wrenching cliff-hanger of the
The Knife of Never Letting Go (Chaos Walking #1)
Teaser: "Better the devil you know... I wonder why the only choice is between two devils."
In a sentence or so:
*Rating: 9/10
GoodReads Description:
Reaching the end of their tense and desperate flight in THE KNIFE OF NEVER LETTING GO, Todd and Viola did not find healing and hope in Haven. They found instead their worst enemy, Mayor Prentiss, waiting to welcome them to New Prentisstown. There they are forced into separate lives: Todd to prison, and Viola to a house of healing where her wounds are treated. Soon Viola is swept into the ruthless activities of the Answer, aimed at overthrowing the tyrannical government. Todd, meanwhile, faces impossible choices when forced to join the mayor’s oppressive new regime. In alternating narratives — Todd’s gritty and volatile; Viola’s calmer but equally stubborn — the two struggle to reconcile their own dubious actions with their deepest beliefs. Torn by confusion and compromise, suspicion and betrayal, can their trust in each other possibly survive?
1. Type of story: YA Dystopia/Fantasy (Free 1 point)
2.Consistency: No fail. (1 Point)
3. Flesh: The love the main characters feel for each other, the insanity of a tyrant, and everyone in between doing what they can just not to be murdered. (1 Point)
4. Flow: Dragging survival. It moves at a day to day pace, just making it. (1/2 Point)
5. Character Growth: From young adults to hearts of leaders. From running towards hope somebody's got to do it. (1 Point)
6. A Point/ Purpose/ Journey: Love, see number 8. (1 Point)
7. Witty Dialogue: Adding Viola voice does add a little. The way I'd describe the voices here, though, is pure. (1 Point)
8. Love: Todd and Viola sharing so much love they would sacrifice anything to save the other. Many levels of love and the strength derived from it. (1 Point)
9. Evoke Realistic Images: The first book was about the world, this is more about the people. The descriptions of Mayor Printess, Davey, Spackle, The townsfolk of Haven. I can picture them all so clearly just thinking about the book, it's like I've met them. Actually more like I've observed them, I can see them in detail. (1 Point)
10. Writing/Story telling: This one has a grungy drag to it. It starts out with Todd, beaten and without Viola and just goes through violence, violence, so mach violence it stops touching you. The last quarter is when I remembered why I was so obsessed with this story. (1/2 Point)
Reread Worthy: Only as a whole series reread.
Recommendation: Can you handle the violence without getting jaded and then bored? There is a meaning here in this part, but it is the middle of a bigger picture, it's more dull than the first story, this one could not stand alone, also can't be left behind.
*Click Rating to see post about my 10 aspects of a great book.