Pages: 479 (11 hours 55 minutes)
Audio Performance: I don't think I would have read this book. The written dialogue is not one I

could imagine well, and that would have been a shame because it is a wonderful story. I am very glad for this performance.
Part of a Series: Chaos Walking #1
Read For a Challenge: No
Recommended By: Forever Young Adult
Teaser: "Early one morning, just as the sun was rising, I heard a maiden call from the valley below. "Oh, don't deceive me. Oh, never leave me. How could you use a poor maiden so?""
In a sentence or so: In a world where Todd can hear everyone's thoughts, even his dog's, a sudden silence surprises him. A month before an integral birthday Todd's discovery turns his world upside down and he is now out running an army made of men he thought he knew.
*Rating: 9/10 (9.5 for the Audio version)
GoodReads Description:
Prentisstown isn't like other towns. Everyone can hear everyone else's thoughts in an overwhelming, never-ending stream of Noise. Just a month away from the birthday that will make him a man, Todd and his dog, Manchee -- whose thoughts Todd can hear too, whether he wants to or not -- stumble upon an area of complete silence. They find that in a town where privacy is impossible, something terrible has been hidden -- a secret so awful that Todd and Manchee must run for their lives.
But how do you escape when your pursuers can hear your every thought?
1. Type of story YA Dystopia/Fantasy (Free 1 point)
2.Consistency: Flawless. I am starting to fall in love with Mr. Ness (or at least his writing) because I don't even think about it when I'm reading. (1 point)
3. Flesh: Heart strings get plucked. Oh my, the passion I felt for the dog is enough to tell you how powerfully these characters were written. Manchee! I love you, you are the best dog ever. Who doesn't wish they could talk to their dog? And Manchee thinks like a real dog: loyal, protective, easily distracted and a little simple ("Poo, Todd?"). Characters to hate, to fear, and to adore. (1 point)
4. Flow: Fast! There are very few slow scenes in this story. All action here, and when there isn't action you'll be anticipating the running because, you know, THEY ARE BEING CHASED BY AN ARMY! (1 point)
5. Character Growth: Todd is waiting for his thirteenth birthday to become a man, a tradition in his town, we all know though that age is just a number. On his journey Todd learns what being a man is, the tough choices of being a good man and many other lessons. This book is intense, and it is only the first part of a trilogy. (1 point)
6. A Point/ Purpose/ Journey: Todd is running away from an Army and towards truth and hope, hope against horrible odds. (1 point)
7. Witty Dialogue: The dialogue is indicative of Todd's up bringing. He didn't get to finish school because the schools were all abolished. I had the audiobook and was glad for it because I got to live in the emotions of characters instead of their dialogue. Of course there was a little wit, these characters are fully formed people, you'll care about them like they're your real friends. (1/2 point)
8. Love: Family love, inklings of love, learning about how people fall in love, grief of love lost, love in the caring of strangers, and the love you will feel these people. (1 point)
9. Evoke Realistic Images: The imagery was minimalist in the description but in a good way. It was just enough to spark the interest and let your own imagination run. I could see New World very clearly. (1 point)
10. Writing/Story telling: You know how I said I falling in love? This guy knows how to capture an audience. He will torture you in this story but you will never turn away. Very character driven (phonetically written to truly express the voice of Todd). (1/2 point)
Reread Worthy: Eff yeah!
Recommendation: Can you handle the pain? Well then this is don't miss. And if you have a hard time getting in the groove with grammatically loose books may I suggest the audio which will blow your mind, make you swoon and bring you to tears.
*Click Rating to see post about my 10 aspects of a great book.
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