Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Ten Everybody Else Has Read, but I Haven't*

I am only including books I haven't read YET. All of these are on my TBR list, although some of them for years.

Stealing these from TBTB Kelly because my Highschool didn't assign them either:
1. The Catcher In The Rye
2. The Great Gadsby
Also never assigned:
3. To Kill a Mockingbird

The big one everyone's on about now:
4. The Hunger Games

5. The Liar's Society
Debut Authors 2011, I loved these ladies blog tour. Of course, all the hosting blogs raved about the book but I had already choosen my challenge list so I added it to the never-ending TBR pile.

The reveal that is going to shock everyone:
6. Any Jane Austen

7. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
I'm seeing reference to this a lot but I still don't know anything about it except it has a great title. Not sure if I want to read this one.

Alright, well I am getting settled in my new place and can't think of any others at the moment.
*TBTB Top Ten Tuesday


  1. Definitely read The Hunger Games! I'd really recommend it. :)

  2. I couldn't comment on your blog for some reason but

    Thank you for visiting my blog. And I know I need to get reading The Hunger Games!
    I read your list and now is my turn to encourage you. I have only read one book on your list but it is one of my all time favorites, Perks of Being a Wallflower. This is a book I randomly give to strangers because I think it should touch everyone's life. It is beautiful and moving, get on it.
    Also good luck with the rest of your list, I need to read The Book Thief too.
