Hello All! I have been very busy integrating into my new life in Hillsboro and at Intel, but I do have some reviews I'm eager to get out to you. I have read a few books and expect I'll have them up by next week. But for now it's time for another Top Ten Tuesday!
Today's topic is about books you wish you could experience again, but for the first time. We all know that a great book will always be great but sometimes there is a certain aspect that can never be recaptured in the reread. There are books that surprise us and intrigue us in a way that can only be felt when one doesn't know what's around the corner. And then there are books we read at the exact right time in our lives. So here is my list of 10 I wish I could experience again for the first time.
The Gemma Doyle Trilogy -- The lush worlds, magical; past; and present, created in the series are ripe with new and exotic imagery and beautiful and dark secrets.
Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret -- I read this the summer of my twelfth year and was experiencing everything the main character was. This was a gift from an adult in my life and I then I passed it down to a preteen in my life a few years latter. Every young girl should get to expirience this book when they're struggling in the in-between.
The Uglies Saga -- A wild ride. A cliche saying but it was. Around every turn you wondered would the authorities be there? What would happen if they were? And was the life the authorities offered actually better than fighting for the alternative? Once you know everything the story is still epic but you could never feel that thrill after the first time.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower -- This book is on most of my top ten list because of the affect it had on me and my eagerness to share it with everyone. For years I bought copy after copy to give out. I wish I could feel that sense of needing to connect and share like this book gave me the first time through.
American Gods -- This book was crazy, the battle between what people used to worship and what is worshiped now. Every page turned showed something new and exciting.
Fahrenheit 451 -- This, in my opinion, is the ultimate book lover's book. The passion of the story and struggle that Guy goes through in the story, though, could never be as moving as the first experience.
Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy -- That surprising feeling you get when you realize everyone around you is staring at you because you got lost in a book in public, and have been laughing, hysterically, for way too long and way to loudly, yeah, that only happens once. At least now I will never forget my towel.
Ella Minnow Pea -- It is wonderful to learn about a people that love language as much as the ones in this book and learn how they deal with their way of life falling apart. Every time a new obstacle fell I knew I would be at a loss, but Ella always found a way to continue.
Memoirs of a Geisha -- This life is breath taking. I thought it would just disgust me and I would lose interest because this life is one forced upon so many, but this story draws you in and tell the dark, and surprising, very real, light side of being a Geisha.
Forever -- I read this one at the perfect time in my life as well, and it should also be given to young women deciding on the path to take in their lives. It is a bit more mature than AYTG?IM,M and addressed and taught about the time of first love fading and dealing with the on-set of sexual relationships.
So those are mine. Please tell me about your experiences with these stories or tell me about your unforgettable first times.
*TBTB Top Ten Tuesday